DO Apps for kids
drive you bananas ? 

Have you discovered that your kid's apps blindside you with unexpected stuff?


  •  Graphic violence in full-page interactive ads in a toddler app.
  •  Shocking videos in a children's video app.
  •  Pornography in a music streaming app.
     Random people contacting your child in an app you didn't expect to have messaging at all.
  •  Hidden access to the web, social media, and more where you least expect it — even if you checked out the app ahead of time!


If you're like most parents who are trying to protect some shred of childhood innocence and safety while still allowing your kids to use and enjoy technology — you've probably discovered that the age ratings in the mainstream app stores are misleading to the point of being infuriating.

Well, there's more than one way to skin a banana. 


It's time we take matters into our own hands, y'all. 


Coming soon:


App Banana: a platform where parents collaborate to share information about what's REALLY in the apps our kids use, to give us all a chance to know what we're saying yes to before we say yes to it.


When your kid asks for an app, you'll be able to check here first for hidden aspects that may affect your decision, or at least inform the conversation you need to have with your kid before agreeing.


If your kid is using an app and you discover something that other parents might need to know about, you can report it here and prevent someone else from having to soothe nightmares from a surprise element or figure out how to take away an app that turns out to be toxic. 


We'll also share other practical tools and resources to support the journey of raising digital natives.


If you want to join our bunch, sign up below. 

And please, please share with other parents — the bigger our interest list, the faster we can make a collective difference!


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